
christopher christopher : I haven't pitched that much since, well, ever. Even it it was pitching to Third Grade Little Leaguers, it was still the quickest ever. I was involved and not just sitting around.
about 3260 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes ago facebook
christopher christopher : The spoils for the work at practice: dinner with the kids at @ParlayRVC and a @LongIrelandBeer Chocolate Porter.
about 3260 days, 12 hours, 8 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : I can honestly say, I've never pitched. Had a great time, although I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow. #WantaghLittleLeague
about 3260 days, 12 hours, 11 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : A great evening baseball practice for the 3rd grader. Started just throwing to siblings of those boys; finished throwing to the team. #WLL
about 3260 days, 12 hours, 14 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : First #LittleLeague practice of the season. What a change: there's teaching and learning. No yelling and just assuming they're all pros.
about 3269 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : In reality, I know I don't watch that much college basketball, but I've never seen an ending like that. #marchmadness
about 3275 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Enjoying the last of my @BrooklynBrewery Black Chocolate Stout for the season.
about 3275 days, 12 hours, 3 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : I'm a last minute substitute for the last ticket to #BatmanvSuperman. Didn't expect to be out of work so early, so I can't complain.
about 3275 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Back to #kickboxing. Time to stop saying I'll go back and actually do it.
about 3276 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Just the boys home. My son with the #PlayStation, while I'm with my #homebrew and #marchmadness (only 2 TVs for now).
about 3282 days, 11 hours, 38 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Where can I get an Itty-Bitty Booze Light? #TheSimpsons
about 3294 days, 59 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : My New England tour from my house continued with @bentwaterbrewing Viskiss.
about 3296 days, 10 hours, 41 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Started #HappyHour this evening with @AllagashBrewing Black. So smooth, I want another.
about 3296 days, 13 hours, 4 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : Recently, I've enjoyed @Brewmaster_Jack Total Eclipse and @vonTrappBrewing Dunkel.
about 3296 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : At what age does it become appropriate to drop my son off at karate and I go over for a drink?
about 3298 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : As I stand here getting gas, a panini they advertise makes me want to get lunch at, yes, a gas station.
about 3300 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : On the #LIRR, a usual Monday, albeit slightly later than usual for me. Potentially my last day riding, definitely for a while.
about 3300 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : What a night, or what passes for a great night now: I finished a video game and am alternating between two #homebrew kegs.
about 3303 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : I made some damn good homemade linguine tonight. I might have broken the pasta-maker in the process, though.
about 3303 days, 10 hours, 31 minutes ago twitter
christopher christopher : I try to go local, whenever I can, so I found a lone 12 pack of @hookerbeer at the "package" store here in CT. #craftbeer
about 3309 days, 14 hours, 57 minutes ago twitter